April 27, 2015


Round of

3 Minute Handstand Hold
3 Minutes Rest
3 Minutes Plank Hold

Your score is the total number of seconds held at each station during the 3 minutes.  Holding the position for the entire interval is not required! Break up the work as needed but go for as many seconds as you can.  If you are new to handstands walk up at an angle or hold pike with your feet on a box and come down safely when you need to.


In front of a clock set for 12 Minutes

AMRAP in 4 Minutes of

5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats

AMRAP in 4 Minutes of

Two Arm Dumbbell Clean & Jerks 45/30lbs

AMRAP in 4 Minutes of

5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats

Workout notes: This workout is essentially a 12 minute AMRAP with three parts.  We start and end with “Cindy”.  For this version avoid using assistance bands so you don’t spend a lot of time getting in and out of the pull-up station.  Perform either supine ring rows or jumping pull-ups.  We’ll start in waves with the first group starting at the pull-up bar and the second group taking over at the 4 minute mark.   The two-arm Dumbbell Clean & Jerk is performed with both dumbbells touching the ground between the legs and bringing them to the shoulders and reaching full extension overhead.  A good strategy would be to move continuously through the first 4 minutes of Cindy and then go with small sets with the dumbbells.  When you get back to the pull-up bar at the 8 minute mark expect the difficulty level to have increased significantly so keep the intensity up and try hit your same numbers from the first round.

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