April 7, 2014


E2MOM for 14 Minutes
3 Power Snatch

Work up to a light to moderate weight and perform 7 rounds of 3 power snatches every 2 minutes.  Try to do your reps touch and go if you can.  Make sure you are dropping underneath the bar to catch it a partial squat. If you are new to weightlifting start light and increase weight if the lifts are going well.


For Time

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of

Kettlebell Swings  24/16kg

Off Ramp WOD

For Time

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of

Kettlebell Swings

You’ll need a plan for this workout!  Don’t perform a max set of swings and go to failure out of the gate! Most of the workout happens in the first two rounds so start by breaking up that first set of 50 into manageable sets. Scale your swings by performing them russian style rather than drop down to a lighter weight if possible.


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