August 18, 2017


Tabata L-Seat

Today’s skill work has us performing a difficult core strengthening movement.  We will do a full round of Tabata holding 20 seconds of an L-Seat in every round.  For the L-Seat we will be sitting on the floor with legs straight and elevated.  The most difficult standard is to hold the legs in the air for the full 20 seconds with your hands on the ground beyond your knees. Putting your hands farther in front of your body will make the movement more difficult.  For most athletes this will be EXTREMELY challenging. Do not scale up unless you know you can hold that position for the entire 8 rounds.  For athletes that are certain they can hold the seated position for the entire tabata you can attempt scaling up to parallettes, L-hang or ring support.


Every 4 Minutes for 5 Rounds*

for time

200M Run
15 Thrusters 95/65 lb

*Start rounds at at 0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00 and 16:00  on the clock.

Workout: For this workout you will record the time of each attempt of running and thrusters.  This workout is interval training in a short time domain so you should be pushing pretty hard each time through the chipper. Go hard in each round but to use the first round to “test” the workout and try to record negative splits in your later rounds.  If you are not sure you can make the 200M run and 15 thrusters in the first rounds with some time to rest you can scale the volume by decreasing the load on the thrusters or shortening the run.  Your run and thruster speed should be much quicker than if this were just a 20 minute AMRAP of the two movements.  If you are unable to make the interval at any point your workout turns into an AMRAP for the remainder of the time left on the clock.

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