August 3, 2017

We’re SO sad that Coach Oscar is leaving! Help us wish him good luck and safe travels on Thursday at 6:30pm at The Davis Graduate! The CrossFit Games will be streaming if there is an event that evening. Join us and bring your favorite Coach Oscar stories! #crossfitdavis #thegrad #dontgocoachO ????????????

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EMOM for 10 Minutes

Straight set of Kipping Pull-Ups or Kipping swings

Spend ten minutes workout on a straight set of kipping pull-ups.  If you are able to perform kipping pull-ups attempt to hold the same number across all ten minutes. That means starting easy and making sure you don’t hit failure early on.  Remember each round increases in difficulty as you get more fatigued.  If you are only able to do 1-2 pull-ups at a time feel free to jump up for 2-3 sets working on timing and technique. If you are not quite yet able to complete a pull-up you can alternate minutes between practicing the kipping swing, jumping pull-ups or kipping pull-ups with a band. When choosing a band make sure to use one with as little assistance as possible. If you have mastered the kipping pull-up and are able to do solid sets of 10 or more, talk to your coach about starting to learn the butterfly swing or scaling up the difficulty with chest-to-bar pull-ups.


for time

Double Under
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/35 lb

Workout notes:  Today we have a simple couplet of basic CrossFit movements. We start each round with a moderate rep count of double unders and transition into high volume dumbbell snatches.  Alternating dumbbell snatches can be done as either TnG or by setting the dumbbell down after every rep. Whatever method you choose you should be looking for a weight you can work on continuously with very little rest between reps. If you find that you are performing single repetitions with long rest between reps you may have gone too heavy.

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