Author: Matt Pedri

  • March 8, 2013

    Awesome job to everyone who has hit Open WOD 13.1 so far! You guys are doing great! We’ll see the rest of you on Saturday to get this one done! Show up at noon to start getting warmed up and get assigned to a heat. We will need everyone to help judge eachother as well. […]

  • March 7, 2013

    Strength 1RM Snatch WOD EMOM  for 12 Minutes 5 Kettlebell Snatch (switching arms each round)15 SquatsMax Pushups   Your score is your total number of pushups.

  • Everything You Need To Know About The Open

    Over the next 5 weeks each Open workout will be released on Wednesday at 5 pm  on the CrossFit Games website: You will have from 5 pm Wednesday until 5 pm Sunday of each week to complete the workout and submit your score. You must submit your score online BEFORE the Sunday 5 pm […]

  • March 6, 2013

    Tonight the 5:30 class with have special guest Mark Bell from Super Training gym in Sacramento.  This class will run differently than other classes for the day.  Show up ready to lift heavy and get some help with your deadlift! Mark is one of the best in Power Lifting and we are really lucky to […]

  • March 5, 2013

    Hey guys!! We’re super excited that THIS WEDNESDAY Mark Bell will be in the gym for the 5:30 class helping you all out with your deadlifts! Mark Bell is one of the best is Power Lifting and is coming out from Super Training gym in Sacramento to teach us a thing or two about lifting heavy!! […]

  • March 4, 2013

    Thanks to everyone who helped, offered help or stopped by this weekend! We can’t wait for you guys to see the finished product! Have fun breaking in the new gear! Strength Working from the floor. EMOM  For 8 Minutes do 2 Front squats ~ 85%  of 1 RM Power Clean WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes […]

  • March 3, 2013

    Skill Max Unbroken Wallballs ( no resting between reps). If you hit 150 reps congrats you are probably ready for the opens. WOD 100M Uneven farmer carry. 50 Air Squats100M Run  50 Pushups100M Run backwards30 Kettlebell Swings100M Run Backwards30 Tire Jumps100M Run20 Uneven Weighted Lunges100M Uneven Farmer Carry

  • March 2, 2013

    Today the gym will be closing promptly at noon. There will be no open gym time available after Olympic Lifting. 8:30 & 9:30 classes and Oly at 10:30 will run as usual. Skill Tabata Hollow Rock Tabata Super Man WOD 800M Run 25 Box Jumps 50 Sit-ups 20 Box Jumps 40 Sit-ups 15 Box Jumps […]

  • March 1, 2013

    Happy Friday everyone!You may notice some changes happening in the gym over the next couple of days. We are really excited to be making some big improvements around the gym so that we can bring you guys the best gym possible! On Saturday the gym will be closing promptly at noon. There will be no […]

  • February 28, 2013

    Strength 8×3 Weighted Pull-Ups WOD 3 Rounds for time of 9 Squat Snatch 135/95lbs400M Run