Category: Workout of the Day

  • July 27, 2024

    Workout of the DayJust one class today at 8:30 am!If you’re competing in the lifting meet, make sure you’re at the gym by 9:30 am. AMRAP in 20 minutes:10 front squats8 push jerks60 drag rope single unders Every 5 minutes, including at the start of the workout, run 500 meters. Use a barbell weight at […]

  • July 26, 2024

    Skill5 rounds:One unbroken set of kipping pull ups1 minute restOne unbroken set of toes to bar1 minute rest Refer back to Friday, June 21st, and use the same scaling options that you did that day. Push to get a few more reps per set on each movement. If you didn’t do this back in June, […]

  • July 25, 2024

    SkillEMOM for 4 minutes:Clean and Jerk Then 8 minutes to work up to a max clean and jerk Once you get through the 4 minute emom you can slow down the pace of your lifting and load up to a heavy single or one rep max. If you’re lifting in Saturday’s Olympic lifting meet, be […]

  • July 24, 2024

    Skill8 minute double under ladder5-10-15-20-25… etc double undersRest as needed between unbroken sets. It’s time to re-test the double unders with the same ladder progression that we did at the start of the jump rope work (Wednesday, June 19th). Pick a skill difficulty below and work your way up in set sizes; if you completed […]

  • July 23, 2024

    SkillEMOM for 4 minutes:Squat snatch Then 8 minutes to work up to a max squat snatch Once you get through the 4 minute emom you can slow down the pace of your lifting and load up to a heavy single or one rep max. If you’re lifting in Saturday’s Olympic lifting meet, be sure to […]

  • July 22, 2024

    Skill5 sets of:5 front squats, immediately into 5 strict pull ups Increase front squat weight by 5-10 pounds across the board over last week. Target ~65% of your max front squat if you haven’t done this skill piece yet. Rest about 2 minutes between rounds. This is our last day on this progression, so push […]

  • July 21, 2024

    Workout of the Day8 rounds:1 minute of calories1 minute of rest2 minutes to run 200 meters Scale the run distance so that you have about a minute to rest after completing it in the 2 minutes allotted; this workout is structured so that the calories on the machine are the main push, while the run […]

  • July 20, 2024

    Workout of the DayFor time:1,000 meter run25 push jerks50 lateral burpees25 push jerks1,000 meter run 30 minute time cap Use a barbell weight that lets you maintain quick sets of at least 5 reps throughout the push jerks. Be cautious of hitting large and fast sets on the push jerks right away; though the movement […]

  • July 19, 2024

    SkillEvery 45 seconds for 8 rounds:One set of kipping pull ups Shoot for about 3-8 reps of the kipping pull up every round. If you’re new to the movement, a good starting point is to alternate between a set of 5-10 kipping swings in one round and a set of banded strict pull ups or […]

  • July 18, 2024

    SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:Squat clean plus split jerk Work up to a heavy single or one rep max clean and jerk, but do your best to stay on the clock; next week you’ll have a chance to lift with less of a time pressure on the tempo. Workout of the Day5 rounds:1 minute of strict […]