Competition 08-15-16

[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]No password on the blog for the time being as we shift gears. The focus of this blog will start to lean towards preparing individuals for the open and masters online qualifier.  More info to come in the coming days. [/creativ_alertbox]

Monday – 8/15/2016

Metcon 1

Mainsite 8/9/16

7 Rounds for reps
1 Minute Muscle Snatch 75/55 lb
1 Minutes Overhead Squat 75/55 lb
1 Minute Bar facing Burpees
1 Minute rest


EMOM for 20 Minutes or as long as possible
[odd] 1-3 Muscle ups with pause at the top of support
[even] 1 Squat Clean + starting at 60-65% and increasing 5-10 lb every lift


300 Double Under for time
25 Toes to bar Every 2 Minutes, workout starts with Toes-To-Bar

Metcon 2

AMRAP in 12 Minutes
50 Sit-ups
35 Deadlift 225/155 lb
200M Run

Tuesday – 8/16/2016


Hang Squat Snatch 1RM


EMOM for 20 Minutes
[odd] Straight set SHSPU
[even] 1 Squat Clean + starting at 60-65% and increasing 5-10 lb every lift

300 Double Unders for time *
20 Chest To Bar Pull-ups every 2 minutes

*14 Minute cap
Workout starts with pull-ups. If you can not make any double unders in any round complete the remaining time as 20 CTB 40DU until you get 100 CTB or hit the time cap.

for time
Burpee Box Jump 30/24″
Two Arm Dumbbell (75/55 lb) or kettlebell (32/24kg) thruster

Wednesday – 8/17/2016


EMOM or as long as possible
1 Push Jerk starting at 60% and increasing 5-10 lb every lift

Back Squat

3×1 Max set muscle ups

30 Muscle Ups for time
25 Wall Ball Shots every 2 minutes

14 Minute Cap
if you can not make any round continue as an AMRAP of 25 Wallball shots 3 Muscle Ups

AMRAP in 10 Minutes
60 Double Unders
12 Hang Power Cleans 155/105
9 Push Jerks 155/105 lb

Thursday – 8/18/2016


3 rounds
Max distance handstand walk then
rest 2 minutes
2x distance completed for time

record the distance of the max effort HSW and the time for each time trial

rest to recovery between efforts

5 rounds for reps
90 seconds row
90 seconds air asault
90 seconds ski-erg

Friday – 8/19/2016

Metcon 1 

for time
Bar Muscle Up
Squat Snatch 135/95 lb

1RM Squat Clean & Jerk

Metcon 2

AMRAP in 20 Minutes
4 Squat Clean 245/165 lb
6 Rope Climbs
8 Kipping Deficit Handstand Push-ups 9/9″

Metcon 3

AMRAP in 7 Minutes
10 Power Clean 135/95 lb
3 Strict Pull-Up

Saturday – 8/20/2016

Metcon 1 

for time
75 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
1 Mile Run
75 Kettlebell Swings 32/24 kg


for time
Med Ball GHD Sit-Up 20/14 lb
Ring Dip
rest 5 minutes then
for time
Ring Dip
Burpee Pull-Up
The pull-up bar must be out of your reach, no kipping, no crawling

Metcon 1 

6 rounds for time
1 Pegboard climb
200M(100M down and back) Sled drag 90/70 lb + sled


1RM Deadlift
1RM Bench Press


Deadlift 405/275 lb
Bench press 185/135 lb

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