December 24, 2016

[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Saturday 12/24: One Class at 8:30AM ONLY Sunday 12/25: Closed Monday 12/26: Classes at 9:30AM and Noon ONLY[/creativ_alertbox]


2 Rounds for reps with 3 minutes on each station*

Double under
Kettlebell swings 32/24 kg
Two Arm Dumbbell Thruster 45/30 lb

*Perform 12 burpees E3MOM.

Workout notes: Today’s workout will be scored like you would score the classic CrossFit workout “Fight Gone Bad”.  In this workout you will have 3 minutes to accumulate reps at each station.  This is much longer than what you see in 1 minute interval workouts so adjust your pace accordingly.  As a special holiday treat we will start every 3 minute station with 12 burpees.  The workout starts with burpees and you complete 12 at every station (not including your rest station).  That’s almost 100 total burpees so if you are new to CrossFit scale the volume or complete only one round.


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