Everything You Need To Know About The Open

Over the next 5 weeks each Open workout will be released on Wednesday at 5 pm  on the CrossFit Games website: games.crossfit.com

You will have from 5 pm Wednesday until 5 pm Sunday of each week to complete the workout and submit your score.

You must submit your score online BEFORE the Sunday 5 pm deadline in order for your score to be validated. Late scores can not be submitted under any circumstance so please do not be late with entering your score!

You can do the workouts as many times as you would like between Wednesday and Sunday. Make sure that you re-enter your score if you improve!

Workouts will be held each Saturday afternoon. Show up at noon to warm up and get your name in a heat. Heats will start at 12:30.

You MUST complete the workouts in the gym and have a judge to count and judge reps for you any time you attempt a workout in order for your score to count and be validated by CrossFit Davis. We will go over the standards before each workout and we will each help judge and count for each other.

Make ups for people who can’t make it on Saturdays will be held on Sunday morning at 9:30 or at other times during the week if needed. If you can not make the Saturday or Sunday times please email [email protected] to set up a time to complete the workout.

Workouts CAN NOT be scaled. All workouts must be completed exactly as written.  This is much different than our normal workouts at the gym.  If something comes up that you can not do (double unders, chest to bar pull ups, a barbell movement that is too heavy for you) you will just complete whatever part of the workout that you are able to. An example of this would be if a workout was an AMRAP of snatches and double unders and you can’t do double unders, you would complete the snatches and then spend the rest of the time completing as many double unders as you can.  Even if you only got 1 or even 0 you can not switch to singles.

This may sound like it could end up being frustrating in some cases, but here’s the deal, this is a super cool opportunity for you to push yourself beyond what you would do in a normal workout and to try things that you might not otherwise attempt.  If a workout comes up that is all your least favorite movements bundled into one horrible AMRAP, don’t worry about it! Another workout will be coming and you never know what will come up next!  

If this is your first time participating in the Opens, enjoy the experience! It is such a cool thing to be a part of and at CFD even on our worst days, we are always there to cheer each other on!  

On the last Saturday of the Opens we will have a big BBQ/party after the workout to celebrate what I know is going to be an incredible experience!