February 18, 2018

Please note! Monday is President’s Day! We will be cancelling our early morning classes at 5:45 and 7:00am as well as 8:00am Open Gym. ALL other classes will run as usual for the day! #crossfitdavis #presidentsday #holidayhours

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AMRAP in 20 Minutes

15 Thrusters 45/35 lb
10 Kettlebell Snatch 24/16 kg
5 Burpee pull-ups

Workout notes

Thrusters, snatches, burpees and pull-ups! Today’s workout has four of our essential CrossFit ingredients sandwiched into one long effort aerobic metcon.  The thruster weight is meant to be light so if you normally use a load close to the weight of a standard barbell consider setting up a training bar or using light dumbbells.  We’re looking for precise movement across 20 minutes.  The kettlebell snatch is a little trickier than it’s dumbbell cousin. You’ll need to practice rotating your wrist around the ketllebell and punching up as you receive it overhead so it doesn’t slam into your wrist!  If you perform the move right the kettlebell should make a nice soft landing in the overhead position.  For burpee pull-ups, set your self up at a pull-up bar that is outside of your reach.  Jump as high as you can passing through a portion of strict pull-up.  No kipping on this workout!


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