February 4, 2014

[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]The 5:30PM class tonight is dedicated to weightlifting! Regular CrossFit classes are 4:45PM and 6:30PM![/creativ_alertbox]


8×3 Weighted Pull-Ups

Perform 8 sets of 3 weighted pull-ups.  Keep the load the same for all 8 sets. If you are working on the bands use a band that has you working near maximal effort in the 1-3 rep range.



EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd Thrusters 95/65lbs
Even Toes-To-Bar

Your score is your total number of reps completed.

Off Ramp WOD

EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd Goblet Squats
Even  Knees To Elbows, Knee Tucks or Sit-Ups




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