January 28, 2017

[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Reminder! We now have two CrossFit classes on the Sunday schedule. This Sunday we will be starting a 9AM CrossFit Class in addition to the 11AM CrossFit class. Weightlifting and Gymnastics will still be held at 10 and 12 respectively as usual.[/creativ_alertbox]


AMRAP in 20 Minutes
20 Kettlebell Snatches 24/16kg
20 Push Ups
20 Goblet Squats 24/16kg

Workout Notes: Spend some time mastering the kettlebell snatch before you start this workout.  Initiate the movement very much like you would a kettlebell swing, but lead with your elbow and rotate your wrist around the kettlebell before pressing out at the top.  Try not to just flip the KB end over end and let it smash into your arm.  You do not need to bring the kettlebell back to the floor between reps, each rep is initiated from the hang.  Break up the reps however you want but distribute the work evenly across both arms.  If you can do 10 reps unbroken with the Rx’d weight feel free to scale up to a heavier kettlebell! You will use the same kettlebell for the goblet squat today.  Make sure to choose your kettlebell based on the snatches, NOT the goblet squat, the squat should end up being very light.  Do your best to practice perfect push-ups without breaking at your midline or resting at the bottom of the rep.  If you need to scale the push-ups you can follow the same movement standards performing reps from your knees.

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