July 1, 2015


AMRAP in 6 Minutes
30 Seconds L-Sit
30 Seconds Squat Hold

For the skill work today credit yourself for one round when you complete a total of 30 seconds of each movement consecutively.  Most athletes will need to break up the movements at some point so remember that your 30 seconds only needs to be cumulative.  Stop and rest if you need to in order to keep your movement standard as strict as possible.  Most folks will be best served by holding the L-Sit on the floor with legs raised and at extension for as long as possible. Moving your hands foreword will increase the difficulty. The squat hold is very simple. From a standing position, move your hip crease below parallel with the top of your knee joint and hold.


5 Rounds for Reps with 1 Minute on Each Station

Row for Calories
Box Jump 24/20″


Workout notes: This workout is scored “Fight Gone Bad” Style.  You’ll get a minute to work at each station for 5 Rounds with one minute of rest between. We’ll start in waves if possible with everyone working on the Toes-To-Bar.  It’s a good idea to start with a set work period and give yourself some time to transition to the next station.  Try to maintain your numbers for each movement all 5 times.

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