July 4, 2017

[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Please note: We will have only one class today at 9:30AM! No OnRamp this evening 7/4/2017 [/creativ_alertbox]


With 25 minutes on the clock

In teams of 2 or 3

1 Mile run with a medball then

AMRAP  in remaining time of
1,2,3, 1,2,3… Thrusters 135/95 lb *

*each partner does a rep then each partner does 2 reps and finally 3 reps.  Restart at 1 rep after each partner has completed a set of 3.

Workout notes: This workout is a repeat! Almost exactly 1 year ago we completed this workout to celebrate our move into our new space! Today we celebrate the 4th of July and it only seemed fitting to revisit this fun partner workout! This workout can be done in groups of 2 or 3.  In a group of 3 you will get more rest so it is a great way to scale down the volume.  Try to find a partner who is planning to do the same weight as you for the thruster so that you can share one barbell. Hope to see you all at 9:30 for some fun! The best way to start any holiday is with a great workout at CFD!! One class at 9:30 ONLY! Don’t be late!!

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