June 15, 2017


Alternating Tabata of
Superman Hold

Today’s skill work has us performing two basic but difficult core strengthening positions.  We will do two full rounds of Tabata alternating on every interval between an L-Seat and Superman (Arch) hold.  For the L-Seat we will be sitting on the floor with legs straight and elevated.  The most difficult standard is to hold the legs in the air for the full 20 seconds with your hands on the ground beyond your knees. Putting your hands farther in front of your body will make the movement more difficult.  For most athletes this will be EXTREMELY challenging. Do not scale up unless you know you can hold that position for the entire 8 rounds.  We also have 8 rounds of the Superman or Arch hold.  During the arch hold focus on a tight body position with glutes squeezed, legs together and arms locked out at shoulder width. For an added challenge hold a PVC pipe during each arch hold.  Focus on good body position during the holds, if you need to work for less time each interval to achieve this please do so.


AMRAP in 15 Minutes

6 Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 135/95 lb
12 Push Press 135/95 lb
36 Air Squats

Workout notes: Our metcon today is another workout that falls into the medium to long range for a CrossFit workout.  There is a deceptive barbell component to this workout. Both the lunge and push press tend to amplify the difficulty of the load on the bar when compared to more efficiency movements so practice both movements and make sure you can perform the movements correctly.  Going unbroken is not required but you should be able to do at least 6 lunges (3 ea leg) and 6 push press when you are fresh.

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