June 16, 2014


EMOM for 10 Minutes

Odd Sustainable set of Butterfly or Kipping Pull-Ups
Even Sustainable set of  One Legged Squats

Use this time to practice some CrossFit gymnastics skills!

Pull-Ups: Attempt a number you think you can maintain for each movement. If you are new to kipping keep the number small and practice the timing.  If you are in the 2-3 rep range and having difficulty, making multiple attempts within the minute would be totally appropriate, this is skill practice!  Kipping with a band is fine as well but  go with a band that gives you the least amount of assistance!

One Legged Squats: Perform a sustained set of pistols without hitting failure.  If you haven’t mastered this movement try stepping up on a high box and performing a slow one legged lower down or use an object to brace yourself like a band or a post on the pull-up rig.


For time

10-1 Box Jump 24/20″
1-10 Squat Clean 135/95lbs

Off Ramp WOD

For time

10-1 Box Jump or Step Up
1-10 Squat Clean

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