June 27, 2014


E2MOM for 10 Minutes

Sustained set of Ring Push-Ups followed by 30 Double Unders
Rest for the remainder of the interval.

Perform a set of Ring push-ups every 2 minutes followed by a set of double unders.  For the ring push up keep your elbows in and actively pull the rings in during both phases of the movement.  Keep your body plank throughout and bring your chest down to the level of your knuckles.  Scale the movement by performing regular push-ups on the floor.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes

10 Overhead Squat 115/75lbs
200M Run

Spend time finding an appropriate OHS weight.  This movement is difficult and requires a ton of mobility and balance! If you are new to the movement focus on externally rotating your arms (armpits facing out) and keeping your torso upright. If you are not able to achieve any reasonable depth scale the movement to goblet squats.

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