March 21, 2017


EMOM for 10 Minutes
[odd] :30 seconds Hollow Rock or Hold
[even] Double Unders

On the odd minutes of today’s skill work perform 30 seconds of hollow rocks or a hollow hold.  Focus on the quality of your body position and if needed stay up for 15-20 seconds rather than staying in a poor position for the full 30 seconds.  During each even minute complete as many double unders as possible working for at least 30 seconds.  If you have mastered the double under feel free to work for as much of the minute as you would like.


7 Rounds for Max Reps
1 Minute Row for Calories
1 Minute Double Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35lb
1 Minute Rest

Workout Notes: Today’s workout is 7 rounds of 2 minutes of work.  You will have 1 minute of rest between each round.  In the first minute you will be rowing for calories.  Pay attention to your calories per hour here and try to find a challenging pace that still allows you to move right from the rower to the dumbbells without much transition time.  Treat each two minutes like a sprint and do your best to catch your breath and recover during your 1 minute of rest.  Choose a weight for your thrusters that allows you to work for as much of the minute as you can. If classes are large we will waterfall start to allow everyone to complete the workout in the order it is written. Your score for this workout is your total calories plus your total thrusters.

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