March 24, 2016


EMOM for 10 Minutes

2 Power Cleans

Perform 2 Cleans every  minute for a total of 10 rounds. The weight you choose should be in the  light to moderate effort range.  Consider this as primarily skill work. Increasing slightly as you establish good mechanics is also an option.  An appropriate weight would likely be a little more than 60% for newer lifters. Experienced lifters will notice there is a lot of recovery time so you can bump the weight a little bit and spread out your lifts or use this time to practice “touch and go” reps and recover during the remaining time.


10 Rounds for reps

30 Second Row for calories
30 Second Rest
30 Second Double Under
30 Second rest

Workout notes: Today’s workout is a total of 10 rounds of intervals with two movements. You’ll spend 30 seconds at each station so work on making quick transitions on and off the rower so you are setup at the the double under station and vice versa.  If you are partnering up with someone to share a rower this will be especially important. Leave those straps open so can get in quickly and easily. For sprints like this you can always leave them a little loose as well.   Keep in mind that the Double Under will be “worth” a lot more so you could dog each Row in order to score higher on the double unders but that is not the intent of this workout! Go hard on the Row!

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