March 4, 2017

[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Who’s ready for 17.2?! We’ll run everything just like last week so show up a little before 10:30 to get signed up for a heat! Looking forward to another fun Saturday with all of you! There will be donuts!! [/creativ_alertbox]



AMRAP in 12 Minutes

16 Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge Steps 50/35
16 Toes to Bar
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans 50/35

Workout Notes: Today’s workout is a version of the second Open workout released for 2017.  If you want to watch the full workout go down make sure to stick around after classes! Heats will kick off a little after 10:30.  We will start the workout with either walking lunges or lunges in place depending on space or preference.  You will hold the dumbbells at your shoulders in the front rack position during your steps.  Toes to bar can be scaled as needed if you’re not quite able to get your toes to the bar yet.  For the power cleans we are back on the dumbbells.  Only one head of the dumbbell needs to come in to contact with the floor at the start of each rep.  You will finish the rep standing tall with the dumbbells at your shoulders just as you would a barbell power clean.


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