May 24, 2015


[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]Normal Hours Today! Coach Elliot and Scott will be in the Gym for classes. The last day of the California Regional is today! Follow the action at[/creativ_alertbox]

AMRAP in 20 Minutes
10 Toes-To-Bar
200M Uneven Farmer Carry*
30 Bodyweight Walking Lunge Steps

*Rx Men (32kg Kettlebell, 45lbs Dumbbell) – Rx Women (24kg Kettlebell, 30lbs Dumbbell)

Workout notes:  Remember that the Toes-To-Bar are largely a test of the midline strength  but they do require a good amount of grip and arm strength as well if you are using an aggressive kip. If you are at risk of tearing your hands switch to some kind of sit-up.  Consider breaking up the carries by switching arms at least halfway through the movement. Also think about alternating which arm carries the heavier object on the way out to the wall if you are switching or alternating each round if you are going unbroken.

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