November 9, 2015


[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]Last year we held an in house competition and holiday party to celebrate CrossFit Davis members and all of their accomplishments. The event was a big success and a lot of fun for everyone involved so we’re bringing it back! Today’s workouts are a sampling of the fun from 2014. More info to come![/creativ_alertbox]


7RM Deadlift

Last years Hometown Hoedown featured a Tabata deadlift ladder where you had 20 seconds to complete 7 deadlifts with an increasing weight. We won’t use the clock this time around but test your strength to see where you are in comparison to last year.  Make a solid attempt to hold your form throughout all 7 reps.  It is possible to eek out extra reps by compromising your midline. Try to avoid that!



“2014 Hometown Hoedown Event 1”

AMRAP in 6 Minutes *

30 Burpees
40 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 lb 10/9′
Max Reps Power Cleans 135/95 lb

* Your Score is the total number of Reps you complete.  If you finish the Wall Ball Shots and get 5 Power Cleans your score would be 75.

Workout notes: This workout was event 1 in last years Hoedown.  “Rx” athletes performed lateral burpees with a two footed jump.  Masters and scaled athletes were given a step over burpees as an option. The goal is to move quickly but pace yourself so you can get to the barbell to perform some repetitions.  The timeline is really tight keep moving fast and do your best to get to the barbell. Last years Hometown Hoedown events are listed here for reference.

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