October 14, 2014


Max Effort Weighted Pull-Up

Work up to a strong effort weighted pull-up for the day.  Use any grip you like but keep the movement as strict as possible.  If you have been working the bands and rows for a while make an attempt at a strict or kipping pull-up and then continue with 5-7 sets for max reps on the band that gives you the least support.  Try to get 3-5 reps per round at least.


3 Rounds for Time

15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95lbs
30 Air Squats
400M Run

Workout notes: Don’t feel that you have to perform the hang power cleans unbroken to keep the bar off of the ground. You don’t want to choose a weight so heavy that you need to perform singles from the start.  Break them up if you need to avoid redlining and pick up the pace for the bodyweight movements.    Remember to utilize your best technique by dropping under the bar rather than performing a purely muscle movement!

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