October 19, 2016


EMOM for 10 Minutes
[odd] :30s double unders
[even] :30s hollow rocks

EMOM for 10 Minutes

Complete as many double unders as possible during the odd minutes of our skill work today.  If you are still working on this movement practice completing unbroken sets or work on alternating between some single unders and double unders.  If you are brand new to jumping rope stick to single unders for now. If you are a double under master try triple unders!  On the even minutes work perform hollow rocks. Scale these first by attempting decreasing the time you spend on the movement if you can hold the position.


AMRAP in 8 Minutes
3-6-9-12-15 … *
Deadlift 225/155 lb

* 15 Box Jumps 24/20″ after every round

Workout notes: Today’s workout is a couplet of deadlifts and box jumps. The weight on your bar should be a manageable working weight. Plan to be able to do the first 2 rounds unbroken for sure and possibly the third as well. If you scale the deadlift weight and do all of your rounds unbroken you may have gone too light. Choose a box that you are able to jump to and focus on keeping your chest up and knees over your feet when you land.


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