October 9, 2013


1RM Weighted Pull-Up

Let’s find out if all of that pull-up work is paying off!  If you’re working the bands try to go for a strict or kipping pull-up.  If you’re not quite there get some more volume in on the bands.   Do 8 sets of 1-3 Reps  and challenge yourself!



20 Minute AMRAP

15 Power Cleans 115/75lbs
15 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
400M Run

Off Ramp WOD

Scale this one by cutting the reps on the hardest movements and choosing an appropriate load.  Give yourself a timecap that allows you to move consistently through the whole workout.


15-20 Minute AMRAP


5 Power Cleans 
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
400M Run