September 4, 2017

We will be running classes at 8:30 and 9:30am ONLY on Monday September 4th! Enjoy your holiday weekend! #crossfitdavis #holidayhours #laborday

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6 Rounds of

1 Minute of Two arm dumbbell squat cleans 35/20 lb
1 Minute of Burpees
1 Minute of Double Unders
1 Minute Rest


Workout notes: Your score for this workout is your number of reps for each movement so attack each round with intensity. You can “game” the workout by going easy on the other movements so you can rack up a lot of double unders  but that is not the intent of this workout!  The benchmark for the dumbbells is on the lighter side. We’re looking for a weight you could move in fairly large sets during your minute of work at that station.  The total workout time is 23 minutes so plan accordingly as you pace those first few rounds!

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