March 21, 2013

13.3 is out! And it’s A LOT of wall balls! Followed by some double unders and of course the dreaded but, inevitable appearance of muscle ups. My advice for this WOD, stay positive! There are 2 high skill movements in this WOD and well, wall balls are rough! So focus on what you CAN do, not what you aren’t able to do right now. Do YOUR best on this one! And we’ll all look forward to leaving wall balls behind and moving on to 13.4:)



L sit, Superman, Hollow Rock and Candlestick Roll Ups.

You will do a full 8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off of each.


5 minute AMRAP

Squat Clean to Overhead 225/155

(You may get the weight overhead however you want. You may also power clean and then front squat the weight rather than squat clean)