June 15, 2022
Skill12 minutes of Clean and Jerk practice Treat this skill work exactly like you would a lifting EMOM, but without the restriction of having to make a lift every minute. If you’re feeling strong and comfortable with the lift, you can work up to a heavy single with longer rest in between. If you’re newer […]
June 14, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:3 power snatches Focus on catching the barbell with your arms locked out, rather than catching with arms bent and then pressing out as you stand. Singles or touch and go are both fine for this skill work, just be sure that you’re keeping the weight light enough that your form doesn’t […]
June 13, 2022
Skill10 minutes of handstand practice Kick the week off upside-down! Your choice of handstand skills and drills for 10 minutes. Ask your coach for recommendations if you aren’t sure what to practice. Workout of the Day5 rounds:1 minute of front squats30 seconds of double unders1 minute of lateral burpees30 seconds of rest You should be […]
June 12, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes:10 strict pull ups200 m medicine ball carry30 medicine ball sit ups Scale the strict pull ups to banded pull ups or ring rows so that you’re able to move through them in sets of at least 2 or 3 throughout the whole workout. standard: 14/10 lbrx: 20/14 lbsport: […]
June 11, 2022
Workout of the Day5 rounds, 3 minutes on*, 1 minute off:15 KB swings9 Goblet Squats*At the beginning of each 3 minute interval, run/row/ski 300 m, or bike 750 m Pick a weight that lets you move through the swings in an unbroken set, and then the goblet squats in an unbroken set. If you set […]
June 10, 2022
SkillEvery 90 seconds for 7 rounds:20 double unders, then:Power snatch plus two overhead squats The double unders in this context are meant to keep you warm and moving between the lifts, so pick a volume and difficulty that you can consistently do unbroken each round.Restrict the range of motion on your overhead squats so that […]
June 9, 2022
SkillEvery 45 seconds for 12 rounds:Odd: one set of pull ups (kipping or strict)Even: one set of toes to bar (kipping or strict) You’ll be doing 6 rounds of pull ups and 6 rounds of toes to bar in this skill work, alternating back and forth between the two. Strict or kipping are both fair […]
June 8, 2022
SkillTempo Front Squat8 sets of 3 reps3 seconds down, 3 second hold, normal speed on the way up Be sure to keep the weight and the speed manageable so that your chest stays up and your knees stay out the whole way through each lift. Workout of the DayAMRAP in 12 minutes:12 overhead lunges12 lateral […]
June 7, 2022
SkillEvery 2 minutes for 5 rounds:200 m run/row/ski, or 500 m bikeMax push ups in the remaining time This skill work might look and feel like a workout, but it’s called “skill” so it definitely isn’t. Pick a distance on the run or machine that leaves you with about a minute to work on push […]
June 6, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:Power clean plus split jerk There isn’t a prescribed pause on the split jerk today, but you should be able to freeze in your catch position and stay balanced. If you don’t feel like you’re able to do that, take the weight down or check in with your coach to sort out […]