March 20, 2022
Workout of the Dayfor time 10-20-30-40-50 wall ball shots*300 meter row or 600 meter bike BETWEEN each round You’ll just need a wall ball for today’s workout. You’ll be completing 150 total wall ball shots so choose one you have used before and are comfortable with. If the wall ball volume looks too high you […]
March 19, 2022
Workout of the Day6 rounds with 90s at each station burpee box jumps, burpee pull-ups or burpee muscle-ups power snatch rest Part of today’s workout will allow you to choose your own burpee adventure:) We’ll be on a ninety second timer starting with the burpee variation of your choice. Burpee box jumps, burpee pull-ups or […]
March 18, 2022
Skill10x45s Power Clean + Split Jerk We’ll be working on split jerk technique today on a forty five second timer. Start light and focus on a vertical dip and drive and a fast punch out as you drive your body down in the spilt position. The goal should be a solid and balanced overhead position […]
March 17, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes [odd] strict or kipping pull-ups [even] rest For today’s skill work you’ll work for one minute and rest for one minute for five rounds. The goal will be to complete as many reps as possible during the working minutes of either strict or kipping pull-ups. You can jump up for as […]
March 16, 2022
Skill10x90s 6 lateral burpees then 1 squat clean We’ll be on a ninety second clock today for this skill work. At the top of each ninety seconds you’ll start with five burpees before completing one squat clean. You can build up in weight or choose one weight and carry it across for all five sets. […]
March 15, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 1 power snatch + 1 hang power snatchor 1 squat snatch + 1 hang squat snatch We’ll be on an EMOM timer again today and you’ll have a choice between power snatching or squat snatching. Whatever you choose you’ll be completing two lifts within each minute, one lift from the floor […]
March 14, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 3 hang power cleans We’ll be working on the minute today for ten minutes. This will be a good time to practice cycling hang power cleans at weights that are a bit more challenging without the pressure of doing them in a workout. Hook grip will come in really handy on […]
March 13, 2022
Workout of the Daytabata sit-ups 1 minute rest tabata kettlebell swings 1 minute rest tabata goblet lunges 1 minute rest tabata toes to bar You’ll need a kettlebell and an ab mat today to get through four separate tabatas. You’ll start with sit-ups before moving on to your kettlebell for swings and lunges and then […]
March 12, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes 6 squat cleans 12 devil press 200 meter run You’ll need a pretty heavy barbell for today as well as a dumbbell and an ab mat. Spend some time working up to squat clean weight that feels challenging but doable for single reps. Today is a great day […]
March 11, 2022
SkillUnbroken Double Under Ladder With a clock set for six minutes climb as high as you can up the double under ladder of your choice. Use one of the following rep schemes and complete as many unbroken sets as possible. If you mess up before completing your set you’ll have to rest and complete that […]