March 1, 2022
Skilltabata strict pull-upstabata L-seat or L-hangtabata strict pull-ups We’ll be on the tabata clock for our skill work today. A full tabata is 8 rounds of twenty seconds of work and ten seconds of rest. You’ll start with 8 rounds of strict pull-ups, then 8 rounds of either an L-sit on the floor or hanging […]
February 28, 2022
Skill15×45 seconds1 power clean + 1 squat clean You’ll have fifteen attempts at a power clean plus a squat clean today completing one set every forty five seconds. You can choose to link the reps together or drop the bar between reps depending on what you prefer. If you do drop the bar between make […]
February 27, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes 500 meter run 35 medicine ball sit-ups 200 meter medicine ball carry You’ll need a medicine ball and an ab mat for today’s workout. You’ll start each round with a run all the way around the building for 500 meters. When you get back grab your medicine ball […]
February 26, 2022
Workout of the Day3 rounds of 7 minutes on 2 minutes off 40 double unders 7 deadlifts 10 goblet lunge We’re gonna move some heavier weight around today! You’ll need a barbell, a dumbbell and a jump rope for this interval style workout. Choose a weight for the deadlift and lunge that allows you to […]
February 25, 2022
SkillHandstands:)handstand holds, handstand walk or wall walk practice Spend about ten minutes working on the handstand skill of your choice. If you are interested in completing the CrossFit Open workout in class as prescribed you can use this time to practice wall walks to the written standard of the workout. You’ll also need to set […]
February 24, 2022
Skill10×3strict pull-ups or weighted strict pull-ups Our skill work today is off the clock so take your time working through ten rounds of a small set of strict pull-ups. You can do these unweighted, weighted or with a band. Three reps on the pull-ups is the suggested number but feel free to do two or […]
February 23, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 1 squat snatch + 2 OHS OR 3 power snatches You can make a choice today between squat snatching or power snatching. Either way you’ll be completing 3 total lifts: a squat snatch plus two additional overhead squats or three power snatches. If you struggle with mobility when it comes to […]
February 22, 2022
Skill15x30s 1 squat clean We’ll be on a thirty second clock today completing 15 squat cleans across seven and a half minutes. If you normally choose to build up in weight during an EMOM you may want to make weight jumps every few rounds rather than every round to save some time and energy OR […]
February 21, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 2 deadlift + 1 hang power clean + 1 power clean We’ve got a fun complex on the menu today on an EMOM clock. You will start with two deadlifts, pause at the hang position before completing a hang power clean, and then you can either hang on to the bar […]
February 20, 2022
Workout of the Day10 rounds of 30 seconds at each station toes to bar rest thrusters rest standard: 65/45 lb.rx: 95/65 lb.sport: 115/85 lb.overachiever: 135/95 lb.