January 20, 2022
SkillE3MOM for 12 minutes 400 meter run We’re starting today with some run intervals. You’ll have four chances to complete a 400 meter run with each run starting every three minutes. The goal for something like this is to push the pace a bit on each run and to test your ability to recover during […]
January 19, 2022
Skill10×1 Wall Walk or 10×1 Kick up to handstand Spend some time practicing either wall walks today or handstands. Don’t worry if you don’t have enough time to get ten done, the focus here should be on quality reps and perfect movement as you kick up or walk up into a handstand. For the wall […]
January 18, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes :30s kipping pull-ups You’ll have ten attempts to work through as many kipping pull-ups as possible during each thirty second work period. You can choose to do multiple small sets, one big set, or even a bunch of singles depending on where you are at with this skill. Each minute will […]
January 17, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 30 minutes 500M Run40 alternating dumbbell cleans30 weighted sit-ups w/dumbbell Prepare yourself for a long workout today and start out a pace that feels sustainable for thirty minutes. The five hundred meter run is a big loop all the way around the building starting and ending at the roll up […]
January 16, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes30 burpees20 pull-ups500m row or 1k bike or 400m run We’ve got a twenty minute AMRAP today with burpees, pull-ups and then your choice of rowing, biking or running. Set up your rower or bike in your space in the gym or outside. Because the pull-up sets are large […]
January 15, 2022
Workout of the DayEvery 5 minutes for 4 rounds400m run75 double unders then max reps overhead squats You’ll have four, five minute windows to work today. There is no scheduled rest between each five minute interval so it will be up to you to decide how you budget your time. Each interval will start with […]
January 14, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes :30s strict pull-ups You’ll have ten attempts to work through as many strict pull-ups as possible during each thirty second work period. You can choose to do multiple small sets, one big set, or even a bunch of singles depending on where you are at with this skill. Each minute will […]
January 13, 2022
Workout of the DayEMOM for 10 minutes 1 squat clean + front squat Today’s skill work has us completing two lifts every minute on the minute for ten minutes. You’ll start with a squat clean followed by a front squat to finish things off. Do your best to get both lifts in within 30 seconds […]
January 12, 2022
Workout of the Day12x45s 2 strict press or straight set of strict HSPU For today’s skill work you have a choice between a straight set of strict handstand push-ups or 2 strict press with a barbell. Whether you decide to flip upside down or not we will be working on strict pressing strength today. If […]
January 11, 2022
Workout of the Day4 rounds of the following (24 minutes total) AMRAP in 2 minutes of 10 box jumps + 6 power snatch1 minute of restAMRAP in 2 minutes of 10 box jumps + 6 front rack walking lunge steps1 minute of rest You’ll need a box and a barbell for today’s workout. You’ll be […]