January 10, 2022
Skill14x45s7 air squats + straight set of kipping toe-to-bar Today’s skill work will fly by so make sure to plan for a quick transition from the air squats to the bar for your toes to bar reps. Toes to bar can always be scaled by decreasing the height of your toes in the front part […]
January 9, 2022
Workout of the Day3 rounds for time 400m run50 weighted step overs Today’s workout is a three round couplet with short runs and a high volume of weighted step overs. We have a total of one-hundred and fifty step overs which shouldn’t be taken lightly. Use a weight you are comfortable holding on to for […]
January 8, 2022
Workout of the Day3 rounds of 5 minutes on 2 minutes off 50 wall ball shotsthen max reps of alternating dumbbell power cleans You’ll need a medicine ball and a dumbbell for today’s workout. You’ll have three chances to first make your way through a LARGE set of wall ball shots and then move onto […]
January 7, 2022
SkillFront Squat Working from the floor or a rack 5×2 w/dead stop in bottom of squat You can choose to work from a rack or the floor for today’s strength work. We have eight squat racks on the main floor. Depending on class sizes and if you are comfortable sharing a barbell you can find […]
January 6, 2022
Skill10x30sstraight set of kipping pull-ups You’ll have ten attempts to jump up for a straight set of kipping pull-ups today. We often see this skill on a minute timer but today we’ll be working every thirty seconds. If you’re not quite ready for unassisted kipping pull-ups you can choose to use a band, do jumping […]
January 5, 2022
Skill10×1 Wall Walk or 10×1 Kick up to handstand Spend some time practicing either wall walks today or handstands. Don’t worry if you don’t have enough time to get ten done, the focus here should be on quality reps and perfect movement as you kick up or walk up into a handstand. For the wall […]
January 4, 2022
Skill15x30s1 squat clean We’ll be working on a thirty second clock today for fifteen rounds completing one squat clean in every thirty seconds. With such a short interval you’ll want to plan any weight jumps to be quick and easy. Consider starting at a heavier weight than you usually do and then either making a […]
January 3, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 3 TnG power snatch You’ll have ten minutes to work up in weight completing three power snatches every minute. This would be a great time to practice touch and go reps at weights that are slightly heavier than you might do in a workout. Practice a smooth transition from rep to […]
January 2, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes 10 goblet squats7 box jumps4 chest to bar pull-ups You’ll need a dumbbell, a box and a spot for pull-ups for this twenty minute AMRAP. Make sure to choose a dumbbell that you can hang on to for all ten squat reps in every round. Take some time […]
January 1, 2022