December 31, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes 20 burpees22 goblet lunge steps 20 push jerks 22 sit-ups You’ll need a dumbbell and an ab mat for the last workout of 2021!! The push jerks should help you decide which dumbbell weight to choose for today. Make sure you can complete at least five reps at […]
December 30, 2021
Skill12x45s squat clean We’ll be working on a forty five second clock today for twelve rounds completing one squat clean in every round. You can choose to work up in weight and finish with a max clean attempt in the twelfth round or choose one weight that feels slightly heavier than what you might use […]
December 29, 2021
SkillTwo rounds of tabata alternating between strict pull-ups plank or handstand hold We’ll be working through sixteen rounds of twenty seconds of work and ten seconds of rest alternating between strict pull ups and a plank or handstand hold. This combo will be quite an upper body challenge so make sure you are comfortable in […]
December 28, 2021
Skill5×5Front squat (from a rack or the floor) We’re bringing back some heavy squats! We have eight squat racks on the main floor. If you are comfortable sharing a barbell you can find someone (or two) to squat with and work from the rack today. If you would prefer to work alone you can do […]
December 27, 2021
Skill12x45s Power Snatch We’ll be working on a forty five second clock today for twelve rounds completing one power snatch in every round. You can choose to work up in weight and finish with a max power snatch attempt in the twelfth round or choose one weight that feels slightly heavier than what you might […]
December 26, 2021
December 25, 2021
December 24, 2021
Workout of the Day“12 days of Christmas” for time (1 then 2,1 then 3,2,1 and so on until you complete movement 12,11,10,9,8…1) 1 jumping goblet squat2 jumping alternating goblet lunge3 goblet squats 4 goblet lunges 5 push-ups6 one arm alternating devil press7 burpees8 alternating dumbbell cleans 9 sit-ups with a dumbbell10 drag rope double unders11 […]
December 23, 2021
Skill10 rounds 20s kipping toes to bar OR knees to chest 20s double unders 20s rest We’ll be working through ten rounds of toes to bar and double unders with a short amount of rest in each round. If you are comfortable with these movements you can push the reps here and try to get […]
December 22, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 3 strict press or straight set strict handstand push-ups For today’s skill work you can choose between a three rep strict press every minute for ten minutes or a straight set of strict handstand push-ups. If you need more than two ab mats to get strict handstand push-ups done it would […]