December 21, 2021
Skill12×30 seconds straight set of strict pull-ups You’ll have twelve attempts to jump up for a straight set of strict pull-ups today. If you’re not quite ready for unassisted pull-ups you can choose to use a band, do jumping pull-ups or ring rows are always a great option for building strength. If you want to […]
December 20, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 1 slow pull squat clean + 1 squat clean Spend ten minutes working up in weight for one slow pull squat clean plus one squat clean. The slow pull means that you will take the bar off the ground slowly. We never want to yank the bar off the ground quickly […]
December 19, 2021
Workout of the Day AMRAP in 20 minutes 5 pull-ups 10 dumbbell goblet squats 15 drag rope double unders You’ll need a jump rope, a dumbbell and a spot for pull-ups for this twenty minute AMRAP. While this has the same rep scheme as the well known “Cindy” workout you will most likely end up […]
December 18, 2021
Workout of the Day7 rounds of 2 minutes on 1 minute off10 push pressesthen max reps of power snatches Choose a weight for your barbell today that you are very comfortable with. You’ll want to make sure you can complete ten unbroken push press through most of today’s workout. If you have to break up […]
December 17, 2021
Skill5×3deadlift We’re continuing our strength work and getting back into some heavy deadlifts! We’ll be working off the clock today and completing 5 working sets of 3. Feel free to mask up and pair up today to share a bar if you are comfortable doing that. The goal for today should be getting comfortable with […]
December 16, 2021
Skill7 minute double under ladder With a clock set for seven minutes climb as high as you can up the double under ladder of your choice. Use one of the following rep schemes and complete as many unbroken sets as possible. If you mess up before completing your set you’ll have to rest and complete […]
December 15, 2021
Skill10 rounds 20s strict pull-ups20s strict push-ups 20s rest We’ll be working through ten rounds of strict pull-ups and strict push-ups with a short amount of rest in each round. If you are comfortable with these movements you can push the reps here and try to get as many reps in as possible of both. […]
December 14, 2021
Skill14x45s(odd) 1 power clean(even) 1 squat cleanincrease weight every 2 lifts or use the same weight across all rounds We’ll be lifting on a 45 second timer today completing a power clean in the odd rounds and a squat clean in the even rounds. As you build up in weight make any weight changes based […]
December 13, 2021
SkillTabata Plank Drags We’ll be on a tabata clock for today’s skill work which means you’ll be working through eight rounds of twenty seconds of work and ten seconds of rest. You can use the same dumbbell for this that you’re planning to use for the workout. Go over this movement before the workout starts […]
December 12, 2021
Workout of the Day8 rounds of 2 minutes on 1 minute off10 front rack walking lunge stepsthen alternating rounds of max calories on row or bikeand max toes to bar Today’s workout will be on an interval timer of two minutes working and one minute resting. Each two minutes will start with ten front rack […]