December 11, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes 45 double unders30 sit-ups15 wall ball shots Today’s workout will be all about quick transitions and moving at a consistent pace across twenty minutes. The double under set should feel pretty manageable so if 45 looks like a lot make sure to drop the number to something that […]
December 10, 2021
Skill5×3 Front squat (from a rack or the floor) We’re bringing back some heavy squats! We have eight squat racks on the main floor. If you are comfortable sharing a barbell you can find someone (or two) to squat with and work from the rack today. If you would prefer to work alone you can […]
December 9, 2021
Skill14x45s(odd) 1 split jerk with pause in overhead position(even) 1 split jerk (no pause) increase weight every 2 lifts or use the same weight across all rounds We’re working on the split jerk today in two different ways. You’ll have seven attempts at each lift for fourteen total split jerks. In the odd rounds we’re […]
December 8, 2021
Skill10 x 45 seconds 1 squat clean thruster We’ll be on a forty five second clock today completing 10 squat clean thrusters. If you normally choose to build up in weight during an EMOM you may want to make weight jumps every few rounds rather than every round since we’ll be on a shorter clock. […]
December 7, 2021
Skill10 rounds 20s of strict pull-ups20s of double unders 20s of rest We’ll be working through ten rounds of strict pull-ups and double unders with a short amount of rest in each round. If you are comfortable with these movements you can push the reps here and try to get as many reps in as […]
December 6, 2021
Skill2 rounds of tabata alternating between L-seatArch hold We’ll be on the tabata clock for today’s skill work alternating between an L-seat and an arch hold. The L-seat is the more difficult of the two but both movements can be made easier or harder with a few small adjustments. Move your hands back and lean […]
December 5, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes 200m uneven farmers carry35 box jump overs50 alternating dumbbell snatch You’ll need a box, a dumbbell for snatches and then one additional weight that you will use for your farmers carries. You can choose another dumbbell for this or a kettlebell and it’s up to you how close […]
December 4, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 5 minutes caloriesRest 1 minute AMRAP in 5 minutestoes to bar Rest 1 minute AMRAP in 5 minutes calories Rest 1 minute AMRAP in 5 minutes drag rope double unders Today’s time intervals are identical to yesterday’s but the workout is much different! Today you will be focusing on one […]
December 2, 2021
Skill10×30 seconds straight set of kipping pull-ups You’ll have ten attempts to jump up for a straight set of kipping pull-ups today. We often see this skill on a minute timer but today we’ll be working every thirty seconds. If you’re not quite ready for unassisted kipping pull-ups you can choose to use a band, […]
December 1, 2021
Skill10 x 45 seconds 1 squat clean We’ll be on a forty five second clock today completing 10 squat cleans. If you normally choose to build up in weight during an EMOM you may want to make weight jumps every few rounds rather than every round to save some time and energy OR just choose […]