November 10, 2021
Skill10×3strict pull-ups1 wall walk after every set of pull-ups Our skill work today is off the clock so take your time working through ten rounds of a small set of strict pull-ups and one wall walk. Three reps on the pull-ups is the suggested number but feel free to do two or even one every […]
November 9, 2021
Skill7 minute Unbroken Double Under Ladder With a clock set for seven minutes climb as high as you can up the double under ladder of your choice. Use one of the following rep schemes and complete as many unbroken sets as possible. If you mess up before completing your set you’ll have to rest and […]
November 8, 2021
Skill12x30s 1 squat clean We’ll be on a thirty second clock today completing 12 squat cleans across six minutes. If you normally choose to build up in weight during an EMOM you may want to make weight jumps every few rounds rather than every round to save some time and energy OR just choose one […]
November 7, 2021
Workout of the Day5 rounds of 1 minute at each station sumo-deadlift high pull or pull-upsdouble unders push-upsrest We’ll be working through three movements on one minute intervals today for five rounds with one minute of rest between rounds. The first station will be up to you to choose between sumo deadlift high pulls or […]
November 6, 2021
Workout of the DayDouble death byEMOM for 24 minutes(odd) 2 power snatch (even) 2 power cleans add 2 reps to each movement every 2 minutes. Start over at 2 if you fail any round If you’re a regular Saturday class attendee you’ll have a good idea what to expect from today’s workout. We’ll be on […]
November 5, 2021
Workout of the Day5 rounds of 4 minutes on 1 minute off400m run then max reps squat clean thrusters You’ll have five chances today to rack up as many squat clean thrusters as possible. Each four minute work period will start with a 400 meter run before making your way to your barbell and you’ll […]
November 4, 2021
Skill10x30sstraight set of toe-to-bar You’ll have ten attempts to jump up for a straight set of kipping toe-to-bar today. We often see this skill on a minute timer but today we’ll be working every thirty seconds. If you’re not quite ready for full range of motion toe-to-bar you can choose to work on more of […]
November 3, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes :30s SHSPU or Strict Press For today’s skill work you have a choice between strict handstand push-ups or a strict press with a barbell. Whether you decide to flip upside down or not we will be working on strict pressing strength today. Complete as many reps as possible of handstand push […]
November 2, 2021
Skill5 rounds :30s plank hold:30s arch hold :30s rest Today’s skill work is all about quality positions. We’ll be working through five rounds of thirty seconds in a plank on your elbows or hands directly into thirty seconds in an arch hold and finally thirty seconds of rest. During the arch hold focus on keeping […]
November 1, 2021
Skill10 rounds of 20 seconds at each stationdouble unders pull-upsrest The goal for today’s skill work will be to practice quick transitions and pull-ups under fatigue. You’ll start with 20 seconds of double unders or double under practice followed by 20 seconds of pull-ups. After the pull-ups you’ll have twenty seconds to rest and make […]