October 1, 2021
SkillTabata V-Ups A full tabata is eight rounds of twenty seconds of work and ten seconds of rest. Today you will be using each work period to complete as many V-up reps as possible. V-ups should be scaled with quality of movement in mind. Each rep should start and end in a hollow position with […]
September 30, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes straight set of kipping toe to bar Spend ten minutes working on the toe to bar skill. Practice the kipping swing before the skill work starts to decide if you’re ready for a full toes to bar or if knees to chest is a better option. There are lots of ways […]
September 29, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 2 push press Spend ten minutes working up to a heavy double push press for the day. The first focus for the push press should be a vertical dip and drive as you send the bar off your shoulders. After you do this, squeeze your legs and midline as you press […]
September 28, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 1 squat clean with pause in bottom of front squat We’ve got some barbell technique work today. Today’s skill work will start with a squat clean with a pause in the bottom of your squat. Pausing in the bottom of your squat will certainly increase the difficulty of this lift. It […]
September 27, 2021
Workout of the Daywith a clock set for 25 minutes Every 5 minutes for 5 roundsfor time 400m run15 alternating devil pressrecord the time of each attempt and rest until the 5 minute mark All you need for today’s workout is one dumbbell. It may look simple on paper but making sure you choose an […]
September 26, 2021
Workout of the Day5 rounds with one minute at each station row, bike or ski for caloriespower snatchesalternating pistols rest For today’s workout you’ll have your choice of rower, bike or ski erg, a light barbell for barbell snatches and we’ll be working on pistol squats or some variation. We’ll be on an EMOM clock […]
September 25, 2021
Workout of the DayWe’ll miss you Coach Alex!! AMRAP in 7 minutes burpee pull ups or burpee bar βor ring muscle ups 1 minute REST AMRAP in 7 minutes power cleans We’re celebrating Coach Alex today before he moves on with some of his favorite movements! Well, maybe not the burpees but we couldn’t resist […]
September 24, 2021
Workout of the DayTabata Toes to Bar A full tabata is eight rounds of twenty seconds of work and ten seconds of rest. Use each work period to complete as many toes to bar reps as possible. The ten second rest period will fly by so plan accordingly. The toes to bar cadence is the […]
September 23, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch We’ll start with some heavier snatches for our skill work today. It is up to you if you want to complete these snatches as singles or if you want to hang on to the bar between the power snatch and hang power snatch. If you […]
September 21, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes straight set of kipping pull-ups Spend ten minutes working through straight sets of kipping pull-ups. If you need a band for pull-ups you can still work on kipping pull-ups with your band or if you prefer, stick with strict or even just practice kipping swings. Workout of the DayAMRAP in 10 […]