June 17, 2021
SkillLunge kick to handstand 10×1 in your square or handstand walk if you have room. If wall space is free you can kick up to the wall. If you’re not ready to get upside down you can try some holds in a pike position with your feet on the ground or on a box. Workout […]
June 16, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 2 overhead squats Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging set of two overhead squats. You can choose to either squat snatch your first rep and follow that up with an additional overhead squat or you can start with a power snatch and then complete your two overhead squats. The […]
June 15, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes 15 sit ups10 alternating devil press5 push-ups Grab a dumbbell and get ready for a fun twenty minutes:) The tricky part of this workout will be the devil press so make sure to practice a few of these before the workout starts. Getting the transitions down from rep […]
June 14, 2021
Workout of the Day7 rounds of 2 minutes on 1 minute off3 hang power cleans 2 hang squat cleans 1 front squat Today’s workout is all about the barbell. Plan to go with a weight that you feel comfortable with. You’ll be spending a lot of time hanging on to it so your weight choice […]
June 13, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes Row or Bike Calories E2MOM 15 KB Swings Today you get your pick of either a bike or rower. You’ll be spending a lot of time on it so choose wisely! Your goal will be to rack up as many calories as possible in twenty minutes, but you’ll […]
June 12, 2021
Workout of the Day4 rounds of 5 minutes on 2 minutes off 500m Run then max reps MedBall Sit-Ups Pull-Ups MedBall Sit-Ups Pull-Ups We’ll be working on a five minute interval clock today with two minutes of rest between each work period. Each work period will start with a run all the way around the […]
June 11, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch You’ll be completing two lifts every minute on the minute for ten minutes today. Start with a power snatch and follow it up with a squat snatch. You can choose to hang on to the bar between the lifts or drop it depending on […]
June 11, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch Workout of the DayOn a clock set for 12 minutes: 1 minute of Power Snatch1 minute of jumping lunges2 minutes of Power Snatch2 minutes of jumping lunges3 minutes of Power Snatch3 minutes of jumping lunges standard: 95/65 lb. rx: 135/95 lb.sport: 155/105 lb.overachiever: 185/135 […]
June 10, 2021
SkillTabata Toes to bar A full tabata is eight rounds of twenty seconds of work and ten seconds of rest. Use each work period to complete as many toes to bar reps as possible. The ten second rest period will fly by so plan accordingly. The toes to bar cadence is the same as a […]
June 9, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Thruster Spend ten minutes working up to a heavy thruster. The best way to get this done will be to start with a squat clean and then rather than just standing up like you normally would you’ll want to push through the middle part of your squat with as much […]