October 14, 2024
Workout of the DayJust one workout at 9 am today! Open gym from 10-11. Workout of the Day:AMRAP in 24 minutes, with a partner:500 meter medicine ball carry, together, switching any time50 wall balls total, one partner working at a time50 syncro sit ups Grab a medicine ball that you and your partner are both […]
October 13, 2024
Workout of the Day5 rounds, 3 minutes on, 1 minute off:400 meter runMax push ups in the remainder of the 3 minutes This workout is a great opportunity to challenge yourself on the push ups; you’re just going for as many as you can in the remainder of each interval, so it’s ok if they […]
October 12, 2024
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes:200 meter farmer’s carry (one KB, one DB)20 kettlebell deadlifts20 dumbbell push presses (10 per arm)20 unweighted step ups Focus on your push press when choosing your weights today; you should be able to do the 20 reps in each round without breaking it up into more than 3 […]
October 11, 2024
Skill10 minutes of handstand practice Work at your own pace, and ask your coach for help if you aren’t sure where to start (or if you want a spot on a new movement). Below is an inexhaustive list of handstand skills in roughly ascending order of difficulty. Pike box holdWall walkBox shoulder standHandstand kick up […]
October 10, 2024
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:Hang power cleanPower cleanFront squat Use the hang power clean to prime a nice powerful pull, and then keep that power on the second rep from the floor. Finish the set out with a front squat. Workout of the Day5 rounds for time:200 meter run12 hang squat cleans 15 minute time cap […]
October 9, 2024
Skill5 rounds:20 seconds of alternating hang dumbbell power snatches10 seconds of rest20 seconds of crossovers10 seconds of rest Use a slightly lighter weight than you typically would for the hang power snatches. The goal is to be able to hold onto the dumbbell for an unbroken set for the whole 20 seconds. Drop down about […]
October 8, 2024
SkillEvery 2 minutes for 7 rounds:One large set of strict pull upsOne large set of push ups This is a repeat from two weeks ago; refer back to Tuesday, 9/24, and try to build off what you did there. Use a band or switch to ring rows to modify the pull up difficulty; you should […]
October 7, 2024
SkillFront Squat:5 sets of 2 tempo plus 3 regularTempo: 3 seconds down, 3 second hold, fast up, 3 seconds between reps Target ~65% of your max, and hold that across all 5 sets Leave room to grow over the next few weeks. You’ll complete the two tempo squats and then the 3 regular squats in […]
October 6, 2024
Workout of the Day3 rounds for time:500 meter run35 kettlebell swings20 goblet lunges 24 minute time cap Choose a slightly challenging kettlebell weight; the sets are on the larger side, but there isn’t much else in the workout to take away from your ability to deal with the kettlebell. Settle into a steady pace and […]
October 5, 2024
Partner CompetitionNo Classes Today! If you’re signed up to compete, please show up by 9 am for event briefing. If you’d like to compete but haven’t found a partner, just come on by! We likely have someone for you. You can check out heat assignments and the leaderboard at :https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT98ZGYHbn-MVeUx9lsDVt7wfyoj_pAw1gita29HbrkO3cXoXeHzoQh5zhBBrPr0ibe0MTocbFDnq-k/pubhtml Event 1:For time, with a […]