April 19, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes straight set of toe to bar Practice the kipping swing before the skill work starts to decide if you’re ready for a full toes to bar or if knees to chest is a better option. There are lots of ways to practice this skill even if you can’t string together reps […]
April 18, 2021
Workout of the Day10 rounds of 30 seconds at each stationrow or bike for caloriesrest thrusters rest standard: 45/35 lbrx: 75/55 lbsport: 96/65 lboverachiever: 115/85 lb For today’s workout you’ll have a total of twenty minutes on the clock to alternate between two high-intensity movements. Choose either a bike or rower for your first station […]
April 17, 2021
Workout of the Dayfor time 50 kettlebell snatch1000M run 50 box jump overs1000M run50 kettlebell snatch standard: 16/12 kg, 24/20″rx: 24/16 kg, 24/20″sport: 28/20 kg, 24/20″overachiever: 32/24 kg, 30/24″
April 16, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes straight set of kipping pull-ups Spend some time today working on kipping pull-ups or kipping swings. Mastering the C-kip is aways recommended before trying butterfly pull-ups but if you’re feeling ready talk to your coach about learning this new skill. If you’re not ready for any kind of kipping pull-ups you […]
April 15, 2021
Workout of the Day3 rounds of 6 minutes on 2 minutes off 10 sit-ups7 clean and jerks4 front rack walking lunge steps Today’s interval might be a new one to some of you. It’s a bit longer than we normally see but you get some extra rest as well so that will help! We’ll be […]
April 14, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 1 squat clean + front squat pause in the bottom of both squats More barbell technique work today. Today’s skill work will start with a squat clean with a pause in the bottom of your squat. After the squat clean hang on to the bar for one additional squat, make sure […]
April 13, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 1 squat snatch with pause at the knees Spend ten minutes working on snatch technique today. As you pick up the bar from the floor you will stop just before passing your knees. Focus on pulling your shoulders back and and chest up during the pause. This skill work will force […]
April 12, 2021
SkillLunge kick to freestanding handstand 10×1 in your square or handstand walk if you have room. If your square is next to a wall feel free to kick up to the wall. If you’re not ready for handstands you can try some holds in a pike position with your feet on the ground or on […]
April 11, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 30 minutes400M Run w/ medicine ball30 overhead walking lunge steps w/plate 200m double pinch plate carry Have some fun with this one today and enjoy the beautiful weather. You’ll need a medicine ball and two weight plates for this workout. You’ll start the workout with a 400m run with your […]
April 10, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes 50 alternating dumbbell squat clean thrusters 75 Burpees 100 double unders Let’s start Saturday off right with this twenty minute AMRAP! You’ll need one dumbbell and a jumprope. Make sure to choose a dumbbell that you are fairly comfortable with for this workout. Fifty is a lot of […]