March 21, 2021
Workout of the Day3 rounds for time 400M Run21 hang power cleans 12 push press Let’s get out and enjoy the sunshine today with this classic triplet! Grab a barbell and spend some time going over the hang power clean and push press. You’ll want to choose your weight based on the push press. Twelve […]
March 20, 2021
Workout of the Day6 rounds for reps 1 minute of pull-upsrest1 minute of wall ball shotsrest Hooray for pull-ups and wall balls! It’s been awhile since we’ve done these two movements. Start by finding a space for yourself on the rig and on the wall so that you have plenty of space. If classes are […]
March 19, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Power clean Have some fun and throw some weight around working up to a heavy power clean for the day. If this is a newer lift to you feel free to do two or three reps per round and keep the bar light. Focus on a slight drop under the […]
March 18, 2021
Workout of the Day5 Rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute off9 air squats6 kettlebell swings3 box jumps We’re on an interval timer today with five rounds of three minutes on and one minute off. Choose a kettlebell that allows you to complete the six reps unbroken throughout the whole workout. Box Jumps can be […]
March 17, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes1 slow pull squat snatch + 1 squat snatch Enjoy a little barbell work today before the burpees! You’ll complete two squat snatches today. One with a slow pull off the ground and one at regular speed. The slow pull snatch will help you focus on taking the bar off the ground […]
March 16, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Squat clean thruster Spend ten minutes working up to a heavy squat clean thruster today. You will start with a normal squat clean catching the bar in the bottom of your squat. As you’re coming out of the squat focus on speed and explosive hips as you “throw” the bar […]
March 15, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes Straight set of kipping toe to bar Spend ten minutes working on the toe to bar skill. The kipping swing takes some work so if you’re just starting out plan to focus on a small tight swing rather than worrying so much about how high your toes are getting. The next […]
March 14, 2021
Workout of the Day10 rounds of 90 seconds on 30 seconds off 10 Deadlifts Max reps Medicine Ball Cleans You’ll have ten chances to rack up as many medicine ball cleans as possible today after a ten rep deadlift buy in for each round. Your deadlift weight can be challenging but should be manageable. You […]
March 13, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes400M run21 box jumps12 clean & Jerks We’ve got more cleans on the menu today, but we’re lightening the load and adding a jerk! Before you get to the barbell each round you’ll need to complete a 400 meter run and twenty one box jumps. To scale this workout […]
March 12, 2021
SkillEMOM for 8 Minutes Straight set of Kipping Pull-ups, Banded Strict Pull-Ups or Ring Rows We’re getting back on the bars today for some pull-ups! We’ll spend a few minutes finding spots for everyone that allows for space between each person. You can choose between kipping pull-ups, banded strict pull-ups or ring rows. If you […]