February 19, 2021
Workout of the Dayfor time 1k row or 2.5k bike50 thrusters 30 kettlebell swings50 thrusters1k row or 2.5k bike Our workout is for time again today. You’ll first need to decide if you want to start the workout on a bike or rower. From there you’ll move on to a large set of light thrusters. […]
February 18, 2021
SkillLunge kick to freestanding handstand 10×1 in your square or handstand walk if you are outside. If your square is next to a wall feel free to kick up to the wall. If you’re not ready for handstands you can try some holds in a pike position with your feet on the ground or on […]
February 17, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes 1 slow pull squat snatch You’ll have ten attempts at a slow pull squat snatch today. With the slow pull the focus should be a controlled pull from the floor. Once the bar passes your knees you’ll want to speed things up to send the bar over head. The goal for […]
February 16, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes15 sit-ups10 front rack walking lunge steps5 push press For today’s workout you’ll need an abmat and a barbell. Figure out for yourself which movement is more difficult between the front rack lunge and the push press and select your weight depending on which movement is tougher. You will […]
February 15, 2021
SkillEvery 90 seconds for 8 rounds20 double unders then 1 squat clean You’ll have eight attempts at a squat clean today. Before each lift you will complete a small number of double unders. If twenty is a big set for you make sure to drop the number to something manageable. You should spend thirty seconds […]
February 14, 2021
Workout of the Day6 rounds of 1 minute on each stationRow or bike for caloriesdumbbell push pressdouble unders Choose a rower or bike for today’s workout. You’ll also need one dumbbell and a jumprope of your choice. We’ll be working through six rounds of one minute intervals at three different stations. You’ll start on your […]
February 13, 2021
Workout of the DayEvery 4 minutes for 5 rounds200M Run20 kettlebell sumo-deadlift high-pull15 box-jumps10 alternating pistols You’ll just need a kettlebell and a box for today’s workout. The goal for today’s workout is to go FAST. You will want to finish each round with time to spare so that you can rest and recover before […]
February 12, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes 5 push-ups10 kettlebell swings15 air squats All you’ll need for today’s workout is a kettlebell. If you’ve been feeling ready to bump up the kettlebell weight in your workouts this would be a good one to try it out on. With only five push-ups in every round this […]
February 11, 2021
Workout of the day 10 rounds30s Right Arm DB Snatch30s Left Arm DB Snatch30s Weighted Step Ups30s Rest For today’s workout you’ll need a dumbbell and a box. The dumbbell snatches will be a little different today as we will not be alternating arms. You will spend thirty seconds all on one arm and then […]
February 10, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 15 minutes3-6-9-12-15 …burpeesoverhead squats Spend some time practicing the overhead squat before today’s workout. With burpees involved you’ll be getting through these under fatigue later on in the workout so make sure you are comfortable with the weight you choose. If you can not safely complete an overhead squat try […]