January 31, 2021
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minute 3-6-9-12-15-18-21 … squat clean thrusters* *200M run after every round of thrusters We’re squeezing some barbell work in today before the rain comes back! Spend some time with your coach going over the squat clean thruster before the workout starts. You’ll want a weight that you can press […]
January 30, 2021
Workout of the Dayfor time 100 push-ups150 sit-ups200 air squats All bodyweight workout today! But that doesn’t mean it will be easy! You’ll be working through high rep sets of push-ups, sit-ups and air squats today. Scale your push-ups as needed but focus on keeping them as strict as possible regardless of if you’re working […]
January 29, 2021
Workout of the Day5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute off6 goblet squat 4 weighted step ups2 strict press (alternate arms as needed) You should be familiar with today’s interval timer. We’ll be working through five rounds of three minutes of work and one minute of rest. Today’s workout can be done with a […]
January 28, 2021
Workout of the Day10 rounds of 60 seconds on 30 seconds off 10 goblet lunge steps thenmax reps of kettlebell swings We’re on another interval timer for our workout today. You’ll have one minute to rack up as many kettlebell swings as possible. Before getting to the swings though you’ll need to complete ten lunges […]
January 27, 2021
SkillTabata Arch Hold w/PVC A quick warm-up tabata before a whole lot of tabatas in today’s workout. Grab a PVC pipe and focus on holding a quality position with your arms locked out straight and legs squeezed together. Workout of the Day4 Rounds of tabata tabata alternating dumbbell snatchtabata push-upstabata alternating dumbbell snatchtabata push-ups(No rest […]
January 26, 2021
Workout of the Day10 Rounds of 30 seconds at each stationright arm dumbbell push jerksleft arm dumbbell push jerksalternating dumbbell power cleansrest Today’s workout is all about the dumbbell! You’ll be working through ten rounds of thirty seconds of push jerks on each arm and alternating power cleans. Making sure you pick the right weight […]
January 26, 2021
Workout of the Day 10 Rounds of 30 seconds at each station right arm dumbbell push jerks left arm dumbbell push jerks alternating dumbbell power cleans rest Today’s workout is all about the dumbbell! You’ll be working through ten rounds of thirty seconds of push jerks on each arm and alternating power cleans. Making sure […]
January 25, 2021
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes1 squat snatch You’ll see a lot of dumbbells and kettlebells later this week as the rain comes so take advantage of the barbell work today! You can use this ten minutes to work up to a max for the day or choose one challenging weight for all ten rounds. This is […]
January 24, 2021
Workout of the Day10 rounds of 30 seconds and each stationalternating pistolsrestkettlebell swingsrest You’ll be working through ten rounds of pistols and kettlebell swings for max reps today. Pistol squats are a big challenge so spend some time before the workout starts going over all the different ways this movement can be scaled to find […]
January 23, 2021
Workout of the Day5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute off10 alternating devil press4 deadlifts Today’s workout features one of our favorite interval timers: Five rounds of three minutes of work and one minute of rest. You’ll need one dumbbell and a nice heavy bar for deadlifting. We’re bumping the weight up a bit […]