December 24, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 20 minutes12 power cleans25 push-ups Workout notes Before we close up for the next two days, enjoy this twenty minute workout with a bit of a festive rep scheme! The power clean weight doesn’t need to be light, but it should be manageable. Plan for something that allows you […]
December 23, 2020
Workout of the day 10 Rounds for time *10 thrusters10 front rack walking lunge steps30 double unders * 25 minute time cap Workout notes Don’t underestimate today’s workout! We’ve got ten rounds for time of a difficult triplet with thrusters, lunges and double unders. Each movement can be scaled as needed. Keep the thrusters and […]
December 22, 2020
Skill EMOM for 10 minutes1 slow pull squat snatch Today’s lift is a complex one. Squat snatching requires a lot of skill, strength and mobility. We’re adding a slow pull to the start today to really dial in technique. This drill should address any issues you may be having with the first pull portion of […]
December 21, 2020
Skill 10×1 lunge kick to free standing handstand or walk around your square Spend some time working on handstands today in your designated area at the gym. If you have room to walk, go for it! Otherwise you can practice freestanding in one place. If you are near a wall feel free to kick up […]
December 20, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 20 minutes10 alternating dumbbell snatch10 alternating one arm squat clean thruster500M row or 1K bike or 500m ski Workout notes You’ve got your choice of machine today so pick your favorite, your least favorite or whatever is left when you get to the gym! Before heading to your rower […]
December 19, 2020
Workout of the day “Nancy”5 rounds for time400M Run15 overhead squats Workout notes Today’s workout is a classic named CrossFit workout. If you’ve done this before today will be a fun retest! We’ll use our old 400M track today with a turn around. The overhead squats are meant to be light. If you are breaking […]
December 18, 2020
Skill EMOM for 10 minutes1 squat snatch with pause in bottom of overhead squat We’re upping the difficulty of an already technical lift. Adding a pause in the bottom of your catch position will force almost perfect accuracy. You may end up working with lighter weight here than you’re used to so use this opportunity […]
December 17, 2020
Workout of the day 10 rounds of 30 seconds on 30 seconds offplank holdrestburpeesrest Workout notes We’re dipping our toes back in the burpee pond, masks and all! Hopefully the planned rest will make it a little more manageable. The goal for this workout is to hold the plank for the full thirty seconds every […]
December 16, 2020
Skill EMOM for 6 minutes:30s Hollow Rock or Hold Focus on good position here. Your lower back should remain in contact with the floor while you are holding this position. You can choose to rock or hold depending on what is more manageable. There are many ways to scale this position. You can pull one […]
December 15, 2020
Skill EMOM for 10 minutes1 power clean + hang power clean We’ll start today’s fitness with a familiar barbell complex. You’ll start by performing a clean from the floor and follow up with a hang clean. Focus on pulling the bar slowly from the floor while your shoulders and hips travel at the same speed. […]