December 3, 2020
Workout of the day at 0:00for time10-1 hang power cleans4 burpees after every roundthenat 10:001-10 hang power cleans4 burpees after every round Workout notes The time has come for our weekly dose of burpees. We’re doubling up today with two workouts back to back. You will have a ten minute window to finish the first […]
December 2, 2020
Skill EMOM for 10 minutes2 Thrusters Complete two thrusters every minute on the minute for ten minutes. Add weight as you go or work with one weight throughout the ten minutes. It would be smart to go heavier here than you are planning to in the workout so that the squat clean thrusters feel a […]
December 1, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 20 Minutes1K Row or 2.5K bike50 Sit-ups30 Push-ups Workout notes Pick your poison! It is up to you how you start today’s workout. Choose a rower or bike and adjust the distances as written. If you’ve been working with one machine more than the other you might go with […]
November 30, 2020
Skill EMOM for 10 minutes5 drag rope double understhen1 power snatch w/ pause below the knees + overhead squat This skill work will be a challenge and a great time to focus on technique. Start each minute with a small set of double unders with the drag rope. If you haven’t tried these yet plan […]
November 29, 2020
Workout of the day 6 rounds of 1 minute on each stationrow or bike for caloriesburpeesbox jumpsrest Workout notes Today’s workout is a six round interval workout with three stations and one minute rest between rounds. Your total workout time will be twenty-three minutes. The order of stations for this workout puts what is potentially […]
November 28, 2020
Workout of the day 10 rounds for time10 alternating dumbbell snatch1 squat clean Workout notes Our workout today is a combination of two classic lifting movements. We’re pairing light, high rep dumbbell snatches with a heavily loaded barbell. The benchmarked versions of this workout have one-hundred snatches and ten squat cleans. If you look at […]
November 27, 2020
Gym closed today Normal hours resume tomorrow!
November 26, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 30 Minutes30 Sit-ups20 weighted box step overs10 one arm alternating dumbbell squat clean thrusters Workout notes We’re cooking up something special for today’s festivities! This workout is a long one so set the temperature low and maintain a steady pace throughout the workout so you don’t overheat! Ingredients for […]
November 25, 2020
Skill EMOM for 10 minutes1 Hang Power Clean from below the knee + 1 Hang Power Clean from above the knee We’ll start with some lifting today that will really force you to focus on technique and positioning. Your first rep will be a hang power clean from below the knee. This means you will […]
November 24, 2020
Workout of the day 10 rounds of 30 seconds at each stationdouble undersrestfront squatsrest Workout notes You’ll have ten opportunites to rack up points for today’s workout. On a thirty second interval clock alternate between double unders and front squats with rest between each. Do your best to work for as much of each interval […]