November 23, 2020
Skill EMOM for 14 minutes(odd) 2 TnG power cleans(even) 1 squat clean with pause in the bottom If you came to class on Saturday this will feel like a much slower version of the workout. Use this time to add weight to your bar and lift more than you might if these were in a […]
November 22, 2020
Workout of the day Tabata something harder Tabata sumo deadlift high pullTabata push-ups with feet on a plate or boxTabata weighted sit-upsTabata jumping squats Workout notes The Tabata interval is eight rounds of twenty seconds on and ten seconds off. We’ll be performing four sets for a total of thirty-two rounds. You will spend a […]
November 21, 2020
Workout of the day EMOM for 30 Minutes double death by(odd) squat clean(even) power clean Start w/ 1 rep each in the first two minutes and add 1 rep every 2 minutesrestart at 1 for both movements if you fail to make the prescribed reps Workout notes If you are familiar with this terminology you […]
November 20, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 20 minutes30 Calories30 Dumbbell Snatch30 Calories30 Box Jumps Workout notes For today’s workout you will get to “pick your poison” for a portion of this twenty minute AMRAP. We’ve got two sets of calories prescribed in each round that can be done on a rower or a bike. Choose […]
November 19, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 15 minutes12 plank drags9 kettlebell swings6 weighted jumping squats Workout notes Choose your weight wisely today, you’ll be using it for every movement in today’s fifteen minute triplet! Go through each each skill with the weight you choose before starting the workout to make sure you are able to […]
November 18, 2020
Workout of the day 7 rounds of 90 seconds of 60 seconds off12 burpeesthen max reps of front squats Workout notes Today’s interval workout will be a burner! You will have seven rounds to complete twelve burpees before moving on to rack up as many front squats as possible. The goal for a workout like […]
November 17, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 20 minutes 50 alternating dumbbell power clean 50 sit-ups 50 push-ups 50 sit-ups Workout notes Today’s workout will be all about finding a pace that you can sustain for twenty minutes. chip away through each movement and keep moving! Push-Ups can be scaled as you normally would. With a […]
November 16, 2020
Skill EMOM for 10 minutes 1 power clean & push jerk We have a bit of weightlifting on the menu for today’s skill work. You will have ten opportunities to work on a strong effort power clean & jerk. Start by pulling the bar slowly past your knees followed by an aggressive opening of the […]
November 14, 2020
Workout of the day 7 rounds of 90 seconds of 60 seconds off6 Squat clean thrusters thenmax reps of one arm alternating devil press Workout notes For today’s workout we are loading up the bar to a moderately heavy workout weight and tackling a a seven round interval. Start each round by moving through six […]
November 13, 2020
Skill EMOM for 10 minutes3 power snatchthenrest 3 minutes and move on to the workout of the day The first part of today will be focused on the power snatch. Complete three reps every minute on the minute for ten minutes. You can choose to link the reps together or do three singles but make […]