October 3, 2020
Workout of the day 10 Rounds of 1 minute on 1 minute off7 DeadliftsMax reps push-ups Workout notes Today’s workout is a ten round interval workout with one minute of work and one minute of rest. Start each round with a set of seven deadlifts and then knock out as many push-ups as possible in […]
October 2, 2020
Workout of the day EMOM for 20 minutes [odd] Squat Clean + 2 Push Jerks[even] 2 Thrusters Workout notes Twenty minutes of lifting on the clock today to end the week strong! You’ll hit ten rounds of what is two barbell complexes. On the odd minutes complete a squat clean and follow up with two […]
October 1, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 15 Minutes * Kettlebell swings *15 Double Unders EMOM Workout notes Our Fifteen minute AMRAP has a twist today! Your goal for this workout will be to rack up as many swings as possible in 15 minutes. The catch is that at the start of each minute you will […]
September 30, 2020
Workout of the day 10 rounds of 30 seconds at each station power snatch rest front rack walking lunge stepsrest Workout notes Today’s workout is a ten round interval workout clocking in at just under twenty minutes. We’re using another light barbell today so load up the bar to weight you can move consistently with […]
September 29, 2020
Workout of the day 5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute off 3 sumo deadlift high pull 6 push-ups 9 front squats Workout notes We’ll be using the same timing as the classic workout “The Chief”. You will have three minutes to knock out as many reps as you can of the triplet. Track […]
September 28, 2020
Workout of the day EMOM for 21 Minutes (1’s) 1 power clean + hang power clean (2’s) 1 power clean + push jerk (3’s) 1 power clean + split jerk Workout notes Twenty one minutes of lifting on the clock today to start off the week! You’ll hit seven rounds of three different complexes today […]
September 27, 2020
Workout of the day 5 rounds for time 35 air squats 20 alternating devil’s press Workout notes Today’s workout is a classic couplet pairing a very simple movement with a more complex one. This workout might take awhile so settle in to a sustainable pace from the start. You’ll start each round with 35 air […]
September 26, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 18 Minutes 15 medicine ball sit-ups 12 medicine ball step-ups 9 box jumps Workout notes You’ll need a box and medicine ball for today’s workout. If you prefer to use an abmat for lumbar support for sit-ups grab one of those too. The rep count for each set is […]
September 25, 2020
Workout of the day 5 rounds for time 15 Kettlebell swings 12 Thrusters Workout notes We haven’t had a task priority workout in quite a while . With lingering air quality concerns we’ve tried to keep breathing heavily out of the mix as best we could. Well today will mostly certainly have you breathing heavy […]
September 24, 2020
Workout of the day With a clock set for 21 Minutes 7 minutes of 30 seconds of power cleans 30 seconds rest then 7 minutes of 30 seconds of burpees 30 seconds rest then AMRAP in 7 minutes 7 power cleans 7 burpees Workout notes Burpees are back! We’ll throw the barbell in as well […]