August 24, 2020
Workout of the day EMOM for 21 minutes(1’s) 30’s Strict Press(2’s) 30’s Front rack walking lunge steps(3’s) Plank hold Workout notes The gym is open again! Hooray! We’ll be keeping things more strength and skill based for a few days while we wait for the air to improve more. Today’s workout is an EMOM of […]
August 23, 2020
Classes resume Monday Our plan is to resume our usual schedule starting Monday the 24th depending on how the air quality improves today. Classes will be available in the pushpress app. Zoom yoga at 9AM Lisa will be leading another fantastic yoga class over zoom this morning at 9AM. Log in if you can!
August 22, 2020
Workout of the day 10 rounds of 60 seconds on 30 seconds off 7 burpees then max reps v-ups in your remaining time Workout notes Just a reminder that the patio will be closed today due to the ongoing air quality issues that we are enduring. Zoom class will be live at 9AM For today’s […]
August 21, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 20 minutes 100 Double Unders or Mountain Climbers 40 Weighted or Bodyweight lunge steps Workout notes Sadly we won’t be doing this one at the gym today. If you can make it we’d love to see you on Zoom at 6AM, 9AM or 6:30PM! Today’s workout is a 20 minute […]
August 20, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 10 Minutes10 Thrusters20 Sit-ups Workout notes Today is an opportunity to get some weight on your barbell! We’ll start with a 10 minute EMOM of 2 squat clean thrusters. A squat clean thruster will start from the floor, once you catch the bar in a squat the goal is […]
August 19, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 15 minutes 5-10-15-20… Burpees Power snatches Workout notes It’s burpee time! Today we’re working for 15 minutes through sets of burpees and power snatches adding 5 reps of each movement every round. The weight on your bar shouldn’t be terribly heavy today as the sets will build up fairly […]
August 18, 2020
Workout of the day 5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute off 3 push press 6 hang power clean 9 air squat Workout notes We’re working on a 3 minute on and 1 minute off interval today for 5 rounds. Each interval is a mini AMRAP of push press, hang cleans and air squats. […]
August 17, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 20 Minutes 21 Double unders 15 Push-ups 9 Kettlebell swings Workout notes The weather this week is NO JOKE! We’ve made a few adjustments to the schedule to deal with this so make sure to check it out on Push Press! We’ve got a 20 minute AMRAP today with […]
August 16, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 20 Minutes 50 Sit-ups 35 Squats 20 Weighted step-ups Workout notes We’ve got 20 minutes on the clock today with three fairly manageable movements. The rep counts are high in each round so set yourself up for success by choosing a pace you can maintain over the full workout. […]
August 15, 2020
Workout of the day 3 Rounds for time 400M Run 30 Push-ups 20 Kettlebell swings Workout notes Today’s workout is for time and each round will start with a run. Your coach will spend some time going over several different route options for the 400 meters to make sure that you are comfortable and able […]