August 13, 2020
Workout of the day 5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute off 60 double unders then max reps alternating dumbbell squat cleans Workout notes We’re working on a 3 minute on 1 minute off interval today. Each 3 minute interval will start with a challenging set of double unders. If double unders are still […]
August 12, 2020
Workout of the day EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 squat snatch rest 2 minutes then for time 75 Power Snatches Workout notes Today’s workout will start with some lifting and skill work. You’ll have 10 minutes to work up to a heavy Snatch for the day. If you are new to lifting this can definitely […]
August 11, 2020
Workout of the day 10 Rounds of 60 seconds on 30 seconds off 7 Box jumps max reps alternating devil press in remaining time Workout notes We’re using an interval timer today and working for 1 minute each round followed by 30 seconds of rest. You will start each minute with 7 box jumps before […]
August 10, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 15 minutes 1-2-3-4-5-6 … Power clean Front Squat Push jerk Workout notes Today’s workout consists of a difficult barbell complex, a lot of time on the clock and an ascending rep scheme. Start the first round with one clean, squat and then finally a push jerk. In the second […]
August 9, 2020
Workout of the day for time 2K row or 4k bike 1 mile run 2k row for 4k bike Workout notes Today’s workout is a task priority chipper starting and ending on an assault bike or a rower. In the middle you’ll set out on a one mile run. Most of use are looking at […]
August 8, 2020
Workout of the day for time 40-30-20-10 Burpees Medicine ball cleans Workout notes We’ve got a large amount of burpees and medicine ball cleans today to work through as quick as you can! Don’t burn it all out in the first set of burpees, but try to settle into a pace that is sustainable and […]
August 7, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 15 minutes 10 box jumps 10 alternating dumbbell snatch Workout notes Today’s workout is a 15 minute AMRAP of Box Jumps and Snatches. Focus on landing on top of your box in an athletic position with your chest upright. This would be a great opportunity to bump up your […]
August 6, 2020
Workout of the day AMRAP in 10 Minutes 7 Kettlebell swings 4 Thrusters Workout notes Today’s workout is a 10 minute AMRAP of KB Swings and Thrusters. The goal of this workout is to move fast for 10 minutes with quick transitions between movements. Your KB Swing weight and your thruster weight should both be […]
August 5, 2020
Workout of the day 10 rounds of 60 seconds on 30 seconds off 30 Double unders then max reps One arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge steps Workout notes Today’s workout is another 10 rounder in a different format. Rather than pushing straight through the 10 rounds we’ll be working in one minute intervals with 30 […]
August 4, 2020
Workout of the day 10 Rounds for time 10 Push-ups 10 hang power cleans Workout notes We’ve got another, for time workout today. 10 rounds are on the menu with push-ups and hang power cleans. Choose a weight for the hang power clean that allows you to get the 10 reps done in 1-2 sets. […]