May 25, 2020
WOD “Murph” For time:1 mile Run100 Pull-ups200 Push-ups300 Squats1 mile Run Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you have a vest, wear it. WORKOUT NOTES This year’s version of Murph will look much different than years past! Usually we get together in a huge group […]
May 24, 2020
Sunday Super Zoom AMRAP in 15 Minutes12 alternating snatches or swings9 burpees Workout notes Today’s workout is a moderate length time priority couplet of a classic lifting and bodyweight pairing. Most of us will choose between swings or alternating snatches with our kettlebell or dumbbell. If you are one of the lucky ones with a […]
May 23, 2020
Saturday Super Zoom For time: 400m run50 cleans400m run50 jerks400m run50 front squats400m run Workout Notes Choose your equipment wisely today! Make sure it is a weight that you are comfortable knocking out large sets of cleans, jerks, and squats with. There is a total of one mile of running throughout today’s workout. Feel free […]
May 22, 2020
At Home WOD For time: 100 double unders90 walking lunge steps80 double unders70 walking lunge steps60 double unders50 walking lunge steps40 double unders30 walking lunge steps20 double unders10 walking lunge steps Workout Notes Double unders and lunges today. Start your workout with one-hundred double unders followed by ninety lunge steps. Continue to alternate between movements, […]
May 21, 2020
At Home WOD AMRAP 20 minutes 400m runthenmax set of strict push-ups Workout Notes Think “Nicole” for today’s workout. Your workout will be scored by number of rounds and total push-ups completed. Other than that, it’s pretty straight-forward. Each round will start with a four-hundred meter run followed by a max set of push-ups. Feel […]
May 20, 2020
At Home WOD 10 rounds of 90 seconds on, 30 seconds off: 8 weighted step ups 6 push press4 hang snatch Workout Notes Treat each round like an AMRAP today. Complete as many rounds as possible in each ninety second period. Try to choose one weight that you can use across all movements. Start with […]
May 19, 2020
At Home WOD For time: 20 overhead squat35 power clean50 box jumps35 power cleans20 overhead squats35 power cleans50 box jumps35 power cleans20 overhead squats Workout Notes Today you will need a weight and a box. Choose a weight that works for both overhead squats and power cleans. Also make sure it is a weight you […]
May 18, 2020
At Home WOD For time: 10 rounds:10 thrusters20 sit-ups Workout Notes Today’s workout might remind you of 17.5 and should be a fun one! Ten rounds for time: ten thrusters and twenty sit-ups. Start each round with those thrusters. As usual, make sure to hit full depth on the squat portion of the and to […]
May 17, 2020
At Home WOD For time: 63-54-45-36-27-18-9mountain climbers21-18-15-12-9-6-3overhead walking lunge steps Workout Notes After heavy debate we decided to choose mountain climbers over thrusters for this rep scheme. You can thank us later for that! Start the workout with sixty-three mountain climbers followed by twenty-one overhead walking lunge steps. Continue to progress until you complete the […]
May 16, 2020
At Home WOD With a clock set for 21 minutes: [1’s] V-ups[2’s] double unders[3’s] air squats Workout Notes Twenty-one minutes on the clock today. You will hit each exercise seven times and your score will be total reps. V-ups can be difficult to maintain for such a a long period of time. Prioritize getting your […]